Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 known for its holistic integration of twelve necessary election reforms vital to terminating the rigged system in which the Democratic and Republican parties front for the Deep State and screw the 99% every single time, has raised $300K in three weeks and needs $1M more in the next two months. Each donor gets a Founding Citizen certificate and all events will be free to the public at every stop. Constitutional Sheriffts, cowboys, Patriot Streetfighters and over 90 total bad-asses are bring the truth to your doorstop — we cannot be stopped, we cannot be censored. JOIN THE FIGHT. $100 (or $107 or any amount) gives you Battle of Agincourt honors — there at the first major battle between the 99% (Trumpers, Sandernisas, Libertarians, Independents UNITED FOR INTEGRITY taking down the 1% and their toads, the DNC and the GOP. What's not to like? JOIN THE FIGHT! — all donations are tax deductible for US citizens and we do take credit cards as well as checks.