Math as Medicine: a future for our planet
The global vocal biomarkers market size is expected to be valued at US$ 1,357.7 million in 2019 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 15.5% over the forecast period (2020 – 2026).
The acknowledged pioneer of this innovative approach, Sharry Edwards, MEd, wants to provide access to the originating protocols to the public in order to support the opportunity for SELF-HEALTH. Edwards has created an online, public WorkStation that offers access to thousands of frequency-based metabolic BioMarkers that can provide self-evaluation and create computerized Management Reports for Wellness Providers. She sees the human brain as being akin to a computer’s central processing unit that sends binary signals of instruction to support physiological and psychological functions. The evidence she and her staff at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound Health have amassed shows that the body can be influenced to heal itself using frequency, sound and music.
Early on, Edwards met with the National Institute of Health and followed their recommendation of using case studies to prove her theories. In 2004, the Institute was able to provide the tenets of Math as Medicine to the world, “People with similar wellness issues have similar, if not identical vocal BioMarkers.” Like sour notes in a song, discordant vocal sounds indicate a lack of equilibrium. Likewise, the voice anomalies can indicate a lack of optimal health.
The Sound Health Portal (.com) online WorkStation offers access to thousands of frequency-based biological biomarkers that can support self-evaluation and create computerized BioAcoustic Management Reports that can act as mathematically generated guidelines for potential health BioMarkers. Each month they sponsor Vocal Profile workshops for professionals, individuals and for those who would like to set-up BioAcoustic Community Centers.
During the early 90’s, Sound Health approached the National Institute of Health (NIH) and was advised that no category existed that satisfied Sound Health’s specific accomplishments: NIH advised that the collection and classification of data should use a case-study approach. Since that time, the additional categories of Functional and Energy Medicine, incorporated by NIH, would apply.
Most entities using Sound Health’s BioAcoustic IP only have access to what Sound Health has chosen to release – about 1/3 of our knowledge base has been released to the public including students and practitioners. Sound Health has also preliminarily engaged with several outside companies with the intent of acquiring support for the expansion of the ever-expanding databases.
Successful applications of Human BioAcoustics include:
1) BioAcoustically monitoring nutrients and food requirements form an internal perspective to support intrinsic cellular health;
2) reveal ravages of 5G and other health threats
3) reveal who is telling the truth because we all have a right to know –
4) show pathways to reversal and have dominion over genetic diseases and syndromes;
5) the discovery of frequency formulations that set and accelerate bone healing, muscle strength, alleviation of tension, joint, muscle and gout pain;
6) the potential of mobile and predictive medicine
The target audience of Sound Health consists of innovative Wellness Providers who are interested in the advantages beyond those of conventional medicine. Our organization has worked with individuals of all ages with no international boundaries. We are attempting to present our training to forward-thinking practitioners across the globe.
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